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Discoucia Page 21

  “Morning, we’ve been invited to The Sea Fort by Sir Anner, so get ready as soon as you can,” he said.

  “You do realise it’s going to take me a while,” she replied.

  “Five minutes,” he said.

  Lilia gave him an angry look, and shut the door. Arthur walked to the top of the stairs, and then retreated back as Jo walked down the stairs in front of him.

  “I see you are ready, could you give Lilia a hand since we haven’t got long,” said Arthur.

  “You go outside and tell the messenger we shall be down soon,” said Jo.

  Arthur ran down to the deck, and climbed down the rigging to the messenger. “They’ll be down soon, you know women getting ready and all,” said Arthur.

  “I know, Lady Camellia takes an hour every evening to get ready,” said the messenger.

  “So tell me about the Anner family,” said Arthur. Sir Stuart and Lady Camellia have two children, Reginald and David, and are protected by their own personal army which is headed by Captain Kystos and Captain Ferno,” he explained.

  “I see, and what is it that you want us for?” asked Arthur.

  “I would rather you discussed that with her ladyship, if you don’t mind,” he said.

  Just as they finished, the girls climbed down the rigging and joined Arthur and the messenger. “Let’s go” said Arthur. The messenger led the trio through the main doors and they saw that the inside was just like Evermore, and didn’t look at all like the rest of the city. It was wonderfully cool inside the castle, and everything looked perfect which made Arthur wonder what was wrong. They came to a large acacia door which the messenger opened, and it led into a huge hall with a white marble throne at the end, and three smaller thrones either side of it with two on the left and one on the right. In the two smaller chairs were two boys, who both had long blond curly hair. The other two thrones were empty, and when the group reached the congregation at the end of the hall.

  Out of the group walked a man in a plum jacket and multicoloured waistcoat. He had curly blond hair like the boys, and a straight dark beard. He held out his hand to shake Arthur’s.

  “Stu! I never knew you became a Sir!” said Arthur, recognising him straight away.

  “Spacey, where have you been?” he replied.

  “I’ve been gone for a while but I’m back again, and I’m heading for Lesiga with my sister and my fiancé,” he said.

  “You have a fiancé? But I thought that you were…”

  “No, I have no idea where everyone is getting this idea from,” said Arthur.

  “So who did you find to keep up with that weird mind of yours?” asked Stuart.

  “May I introduce Princess Josephine Olandine,” said Arthur.

  “It’s lovely to meet you Your Majesty,” said Stuart kneeling down on the floor in front of her. Arthur picked him up, and Jo laughed.

  “Come on, if she’s here with me, then she won’t want you to be all formal,” said Arthur.

  “And is this your sister?” asked Stuart.

  “Yes, this is Lilia,” he said.

  “Wait a minute, aren’t you Queen Lilia, who declared war on Discoucia?” asked Stuart.

  “Umm…” said Lilia, who was right now very uncomfortable.

  “And the one who swore that she would destroy all of the rulers in a hellish firestorm?” he asked again.

  “Umm…” she said again.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, I know that you cannot be that Lilia, because she died, but I recognise you as a Lilia that I knew a long time ago,” he said. Arthur tried not to laugh, as he knew that Stuart had begun as the son of a farmer in Fina, and they were best friends for the years that they lived there. Lilia didn’t know him because she never took any interest in Arthur’s life.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, you have a lovely home here,” said Lilia.

  “Reg, Dave, Camellia, come over here,” he shouted. The boys jumped off the thrones and ran over, and a beautiful woman walked over wearing a white dress that looked cooler than the ones worn in Evermore and Chene. She had long brown hair that was similar to Archie’s, which made Lilia suspicious.

  “This is my old friend Sir Arthur Pageon, his fiancé Princess Josephine Olandine and Arthur’s sister, Lady Lilia Pageon,” he said.

  “Charmed. Stuart, you need to speak to these fishermen, they need you to tell them about your plan to stop the Ghost of Captain Scurvy,” she said.

  “The Ghost of the what now?” asked Jo.

  “Come with me please, and you shall hear all about it,” said Camellia.

  The group of fishermen were all arguing loudly with each other, and when Sir Stuart came over they all started to talk to him. “Now hold on, I need to first introduce you all to Sir Arthur Pageon, who will hopefully be able to give us some advice for our problem” he said.

  “Do you have any experience with ghosts and monsters?” asked one of the fishermen.

  “Well let’s see, we went to Karga, and discovered that the monster was a robot. I foiled the Dark Chasm Creature, Jo tangled with the monster in the mountains of Icester which we still don’t know about. Then we went to Proceur and discovered that the black monsters were just robots like before. Starfall Academy, and found that the place was haunted by several monsters, but they were just brainwashed kids. Then we went to Cesta and found that the Sea Hag wasn’t who everyone thought she was. So in answer to your question, yes, yes we do,” said Arthur.

  “Ah, right, well in that case I think you are perfectly qualified for the job,” said one of the fishermen. “So, tell me about your ghost,” said Arthur. “He came about three weeks ago, and he rides a ghostly ship covered in skeletons. It glows in the dark and comes from nowhere and then it disappears as soon as it appeared, only it has destroyed a ship in the process,” explained Stuart.

  “I see, and how many ships has it destroyed?” asked Jo.

  “Five, and that one you saw on the way is the sixth,” said Camellia.

  “And tell me about Captain Scurvy,” said Arthur.

  “He is seven foot tall, wears a black coat that’s all tarnished, and has a horrific looking face,” said one of the fishermen.

  “And he is on his own?” asked Lilia.

  “No, he has two henchmen with him, and they are both seven foot tall as well, it’s not natural I tells ya,” said the other one.

  “Well gang, looks like we’ve got another mystery on our hands,” said Arthur.

  “How are we a gang?” asked Lilia. “And who says that anyway, it sounds way too corny,” said Jo.

  “OK, if you say so, I won’t say it again,” he said. There was a puff of smoke and Arthur grabbed the note, everyone else just looked in awe at the strange spectacle that was unfolding in front of them.

  “Please don’t ever say that again, I have no idea how you managed to think it up, but for my sake please don’t say it again,” he read.

  “Excuse me, but how did you do that?” asked Stuart.

  “It’s a long story, but we would love to help you, just tell us what you want us to do,” asked Arthur.

  “If you could help us solve the mystery of Captain Scurvy, then I wouldn’t hesitate to reward you,” he said.

  “I don’t think paying will be necessary,” said Arthur.

  “Nonsense, take me to your ship and we can plan, just like old times in the tree house,” said Stuart. Arthur took Stuart, followed by the girls, and that left Camellia and her two sons with the fishermen and courtiers.

  “This ship really is amazing Arthur, how did you build it?” he asked after being led into the study. Jo and Lilia had gone to find Kate, and that left the boys alone. The table was laid with maps, but they were not needed, because Arthur had the amazing map on the wall.

  “You see, the ship appears out of nowhere and attacks the fishing boats,” explained Stuart.

  “And the reason that they are out at night is?” asked Lilia.

  “You have never gone fishing have you, the fis
h here come out at night to feed, and my ships go out and trawl the open sea. We usually send about five ships, so its safety in numbers, but the last couple of times the fishermen have been going out into different areas to catch more,” said Stuart.

  “I see, so why would the Ghost of what was his name?” asked Jo.

  “Captain Scurvy, no idea how he got that name, but he used to prowl the sea and the desert in a ship he stole from Evermore and would rob other ships with rich passengers,” explained Stuart.

  “Then I suppose we should go out on the sea and wait for him,” said Arthur.

  “I will go with you, the people are beginning to lose faith in me as it is,” he said.

  “So how did you end up becoming Sir Stuart?” asked Arthur.

  “I saved the High King in a hunting accident, the boar that was coming for him would have certainly killed him but I speared it in time. Which was the best thing I have ever done because I got my own ship and flew for the south, just like I always wanted to do,” he explained.

  “You got to come down here and you met Camellia I guess, how is she?” he asked.

  “Amazing, she has this…” he said, but was cut off by Arthur.

  “I didn’t mean that, I was asking how she was as a person,” he said.

  “Oh well that’s very different, I was introduced to her by her father who ruled here before, and he wanted her to marry a normal person and not an inbred stuck-up aristocrat,” he said.

  “I see, well you fit the bill perfectly and I’d like to ask you something,” said Arthur.

  “What is it?” he replied.

  “If I get rid of your ghost, would you be my best man at my wedding?” asked Arthur.

  “Of course, when are you hoping to get married?” asked Stuart.

  “I have no idea, I was just asking in advance,” said Arthur.

  “It would be an honour, but how are you going to get rid of the ghost?” asked Stuart.

  “If the ship is a ghost ship then it will be impervious to guns, I won’t be shooting the captain, just the hull to test it,” said Arthur.

  “I suppose that would make sense but how are we going to capture the ghost of the captain?” asked Stuart.

  “To be honest from that point I will be winging it, but please do me a favour,” said Arthur.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Please do not tell anyone, you see the fewer people who know the more chance our ghost will appear,” said Arthur.

  “I can say that you have decided not to help and are continuing on to Elagos Island,” said Stuart.

  “Good idea, then we will fly off and hide in the dark out at sea about fifty yards from the fishing ship,” said Arthur.

  “Then the ghost ship will appear and we can attack,” he said, banging his fist on the table.

  “Yes, that is all well and good but if you are with us, then people will wonder and ask questions,” said Arthur.

  “I wonder,” said Stuart, who began to think.

  Just then Jo, Lilia and a new person walked through the door. The new person wore a white dress which was similar to Archie’s, but instead of being part blue, it was all white. She had brown hair tied in a bun with curled strands coming from the sides. She looked like one of the statues that littered the ruins of Tanalos. “We’re back and we brought Kate, she is a marriage counsellor and advisor to my father,” said Jo.

  “I told you, Jo, I don’t need counselling,” said Arthur.

  “Yes you so obviously do, and Kate here will give it to you,” said Jo.

  “It is lovely to meet you Kate, but I’m sorry that Jo dragged you here, since there was no need,” said Arthur.

  “I shall be the judge of that,” said Kate, in a tone of authority, but not malice.

  “Fine, if this is what I was getting into with marriage, then I suppose I’ll have to,” said Arthur.

  “Welcome to the jungle,” said Stuart.

  “You stay here with Jo and try to think up more of the plan,” said Arthur, who walked out with Lilia and Kate into the sitting room.

  Arthur and Lilia were sat on the sofa, while Kate sat on the desk. “So Arthur, tell me about your mother,” said Kate.

  “I can’t really remember much about her to be honest, I remember she had long brown hair, and blue eyes, but that’s it,” said Arthur.

  “What about you, Lilia?” asked Kate.

  “The same as Arthur, we didn’t see her much,” she said.

  “Do you think that an absence of a mother figure caused you two to lead abnormal lives?” she asked.

  “Would you consider my life to be abnormal?” asked Arthur.

  “I’m asking the questions if you don’t mind,” said Kate.

  “Carry on; I don’t really think my mother had any part in my decisions,” said Arthur.

  “I think it was my father who decided my course in life,” said Lilia.

  “OK, but if we examine the time after your father died, then you decided on the reckless course that could have destroyed you entirely,” she said.

  “I’m aware of that,” said Lilia.

  “What plan did you have when you had taken over Discoucia?” asked Kate.

  “Are you sure we should be talking about this, isn’t someone going to arrest me and stick me in Icester?” she asked.

  “We can’t arrest a dead person,” said Kate.

  “So who else is in on this little conspiracy?” asked Lilia.

  “Me, the High King and Princess Josephine,” said Kate.

  “I was just going to wing it, I just wanted to rule the place and call myself High Queen, but had no idea how to rule it,” she said.

  “I understand, ruling a kingdom isn’t as glamorous as it seems,” said Kate.

  “I know, I think that if Arthur didn’t come along, then I wouldn’t be here now,” she said while lowering her head slightly.

  “Now Arthur, why did you go to Harrha?” she asked.

  “Because I wanted to stop Lilia from taking over the kingdom,” replied Arthur.

  “And you jumped at the chance to see your sister again,” said Kate.

  “I did for the kingdom, as much as anyone else would,” he replied.

  “Really, because I have here a list of times you asked the king for permission to go to Harrha and it looks like you asked him seventeen times,” she said.

  “How did you get that?” he asked, now worried.

  “You asked to come? Why?” asked Lilia.

  “You’re my sister, how could I not,” he said.

  “Why didn’t you come earlier?” asked Lilia.

  “With father in control of the island, I wanted to be as far away as possible, which is why I left Discoucia and flew to Drongo, there I stayed for years,” he said.

  “You had all that time to come for me and you didn’t?” asked Lilia.

  “Now look at the positives here, he did wait because your father would have done god knows what to him, but when you came to power and your father was gone, he came for you,” said Kate.

  “I did ask that many times, but the High King wouldn’t allow it, he didn’t want to provoke a war otherwise we would be in the wrong,” said Arthur.

  “Your hands were tied, then?” she asked.

  “Yes there was nothing I could do, for the love of god I dressed up as Princess Alexandra for you,” he said.

  “Yes, that was pretty funny actually,” said Lilia.

  “He did what?!” asked Kate.

  “Seriously, out of everything you know, you didn’t know about that?” asked Arthur.

  “This is becoming the most interesting session I have ever had, now tell me, after knowing this do you think anything differently of each other?” asked Kate.

  “I think I’ve done a lot for you Lilia, but it’s your turn,” said Arthur.

  “Yes Lilia, tell us how you haven’t been completely heartless in this little affair,” asked Kate.

  “I could have had you executed the moment I captured you. I wo
uld have kept Jo as a hostage since she was a princess, but my advisors told me that shooting you between the eyes would be the simplest thing to do. But no, I didn’t did I?” she asked.

  “No, you stuck me in a space time trap,” he said.

  “That you escaped, quite easily to be honest,” said Lilia.

  “Then I had to wander the world for one hundred and seventeen years, alone,” he said.

  “So you know how I felt, alone on Harrha while you lived on Drongo Island,” she said.

  “Fair enough, but now we know everything, what do we do about it?” asked Arthur.

  “You hug each other, and forget everything that haunts you from your previous life, what you do now is all that counts,” said Kate.

  Arthur leant over and hugged Lilia, who hugged back, and Kate smiled as she had had another successful session, a very interesting one.

  “So Kate, what do we owe you?” asked Arthur.

  “You pay me for how well I did the job,” she said.

  “Please wait here,” said Arthur. He walked into the study, and after a couple of minutes he returned.

  “Here you go Kate, and thank you,” said Arthur, handing her something wrapped in cloth. Kate opened it up, and a blue light reflected on her face.

  “Is this an Ice Diamond?” she asked.

  “I won’t say anything if you don’t,” said Arthur.

  “Thank you, I’ll get it put into a ring,” she said.

  “In that case, have this too,” he said, handing her something else wrapped in cloth. She unravelled it and it was a small block of white metal.

  “It’s cold,” she said.

  “Some Snow Gold to go with your Ice Diamond,” said Lilia, who stood up and stood with Arthur.

  “I’m going to have to keep these hidden, since they are nearly priceless,” she said.

  “Just say you were given them by a mysterious couple,” said Arthur.

  “I won’t say a word, I’ll get Descuedus the Smith to create a ring to hold it and I’ll wear it when it gets warm,” she said.

  “We will hopefully see you sometime when we return from Lesiga,” said Arthur.

  “There was one more question I wanted to ask you; why do you want to go there anyway?” asked Kate.