Discoucia Page 24
“She visited this Island a long time ago,” said Daisy.
“All right, next question is why is she haunting the place?” asked Arthur.
“Does a ghost need a reason?” asked Daisy.
“No, I’ll give you that one,” said Arthur.
“Why are you asking such awkward questions?” asked Daisy.
“Because if I don’t, then no one will,” said Arthur.
“Are you going to get rid of her or just leave like most others?” asked Daisy.
“I’ll give it a good go,” said Arthur.
“You know I did my degree in Psychology, and I would love to practice on you,” she said.
“Go ahead, but can we do it in private if you don’t mind,” said Arthur.
“Come with me to the inner sanctum of the fortress, your friends can look around the excavations while we wait,” said Daisy.
Arthur and Daisy left the group, and walked down some stairs into the bowels of the fortress. It was wonderfully cool in the corridors, and Daisy led Arthur through a doorway and into a large room that had two thrones in it, one smaller than the other. “We’ll sit here, and I can try to assess you,” she said.
“I tell you what, since you came from Arkellia and I will be going there soon, we can do a question for a question,” said Arthur.
“If you must,” she replied. They sat on the thrones and began to talk. There was light coming in from above, and it was quite pleasant inside.
“First question, what is your idea of a perfect woman?” asked Daisy.
“Princess Josephine. Have you ever seen the Ghost?” asked Arthur.
“Once, when it was above us and was staring out of a window. Do you feel annoyed that the princess is in a higher class to you and this would therefore make marriage to her impossible?” she asked.
“We’re engaged actually. When did you hear about Queen Lilia’s death?” he asked.
“You’re engaged?” she asked, surprised.
“Yes, now answer my question,” replied Arthur.
“Oh, I personally heard when Sir Nabelle announced it after he returned from Harrha. Do you think that the Ghost of Lilia is a fake?” she asked.
“I know that she is a fake, and my three friends know that she is. I know my own sister and that is not my sister. Do you think the treasure is up there, or down here?” asked Arthur.
“I think it’s in the ruins, but Professor Quake and Professor Gulch say we have to continue digging outside and we don’t get to explore here. What is it like being a rich, adored hero that travels the world whenever he wants to?” she asked.
“Well, you see it isn’t fun all the time, just most of it. I have enough money to never have to work again but it’s a little boring, doing nothing,” said Arthur.
“You didn’t ask a question,” she said.
“No, because you said something that doesn’t make sense,” said Arthur.
“And what is that?” asked Daisy.
“Well, you said you weren’t allowed to explore, yet you knew all this was here. Secondly you should be working right now, but you don’t seem to care about that. Thirdly, you came on this expedition but you are a psychologist, no offence but who needs a psychologist on an archaeological dig? Finally, could you please show me which door she has hidden her costume behind, Archie?” he asked, and for a second there was a silence.
Then one of the many doors shook, and Arthur walked over to it. “No, stop” she said. Arthur opened it, and sure enough, there was a trunk inside. Arthur opened it and a green glow illuminated the cupboard. Arthur pulled out the glowing purple dress and the hideous mask with flowing white hair.
“Oh dear, now, Daisy,” said Arthur, but she had begun to run, however all of the doors shut suddenly by themselves.
“This place really is haunted!” she shouted.
“No, it isn’t. When you’re friends with an all-powerful god she really can do anything,” said Arthur.
“So what are you going to do?” she asked, when she had calmed down.
“I’m not going to expose you, because I think that you are doing this for the right reason. However I want you to do something for me in return. You see, I want you to scare my friends, and your two professors too if you want,” said Arthur.
“Why do you want to help me?” she asked.
“Like I said before, I have enough money not to need it, and I would much rather you had the credit for discovering it since you are much younger than they are, and it will give you a better start than most,” said Arthur.
“How did you know that it was me?” she asked.
“I just made an assumption and I ran with it, and I am quite impressed since you nearly decapitated me,” he said.
“Sorry about that, but if you were scared enough I hoped you would leave,” she explained.
“You know, this is the first time that I have seen the perspective of the villain and you aren’t really villainous at all, it’s quite refreshing to be honest,” he said.
“So what are we going to do?” she asked.
“Have you found the treasure yet?” asked Arthur.
“Yes actually, but I re-hid it again so they would never find it,” said Daisy.
“Good, then it can stay there, and tonight we will have some fun. I’ll lead them down here, and you know what to do,” he said.
“Scare the hell out of them like I did before?” she asked.
“Yep, that’s it, but just remember, whatever happens you must not break character, not for anything,” said Arthur.
“I’ll try,” she said, and Arthur outlined the plan to her.
It was becoming dark, and the group were all gathered around a campfire. Daisy wasn’t present, because she was so tired from the night before. “So Professor Quake, why haven’t you explored the ruins of the fortress yet?” asked Stuart.
“There is more evidence that suggests that it is buried outside the fortress, because that way it wouldn’t be found,” he replied.
“Are you sure? When I went down there it could have been hidden somewhere,” said Arthur.
“Well, we could check in the morning,” said the professor.
“Come on where’s your sense of adventure, let’s go look now,” said Arthur.
“It’s too dark,” he replied.
“It’s always dark down there, but I shall go, and discover the treasure myself, finders keepers right?” said Arthur, getting up.
“What about the ghost?” asked Jo.
“Meh, I don’t care. It’s treasure, so who cares?” asked Arthur, who got up and walked to the door, grabbing the lantern as he went. Jo ran after him, and then Lilia and Stuart followed. Quake and Gulch looked at each other, and ran after them too.
The group moved through the darkened tunnel, and emerged in the throne room. “So here is the throne room, but where do we go from here?” asked Quake.
“You go nowhere…” said a voice in the dark. Arthur dropped his lantern, and the room was filled with a green glow. The Ghost of Lilia burst in through one of the doors, and the two professors ran.
“No wonder they call him Quake,” said Arthur.
The four stayed, looking at the Ghost. “I knew that she would be here, but if she isn’t a real ghost, she won’t be able to stand a bullet!” said Arthur, who drew his pistol and shot. The bang echoed all through the ruins and deafened them. The ghost stood there, still standing despite taking a shot to the heart.
“Get out!!!” she shouted, and the group then all looked at Arthur.
“Umm, I think we should do what I always do in this rare situation,” said Arthur.
“What is that?” asked Jo.
“Run!!!” shouted Arthur and they disappeared down the corridor away from the apparently real ghost.
Back at the camp they all congregated. “I was wrong, that thing is real!” said Arthur.
“But you said it was someone in a costume,” said Jo.
“That is what I thought, but you can’t shoot a person at poin
t blank range and the bullet go straight through them,” said Arthur.
“What are we going to do?” said Quake.
“I would go back to Arkellia, it seems that some malevolent force wants you gone, and it’s only a matter of time before it gets violent and I don’t think any amount of treasure is worth your life,” said Arthur.
“Maybe you’re right, I don’t think that there is anything here,” said Quake.
“Well, it was nice to meet you, and when Daisy wakes up tell her we said goodbye,” said Stuart.
“Where are you off to?” asked Gulch.
“To Seone, and to meet Sir Thomas,” said Arthur.
“His castle is the safest place in the archipelago, so make sure you get there soon,” said Quake.
“We will, Goodbye,” said Arthur, and the quartet walked away from the camp and back to the Nostradamus. As Arthur walked past the ruins, he looked up to a high window, and saw that the ghost was staring out. He waved, and she waved back. Arthur laughed to himself and caught up with the rest of the group.
The Monster in the High Castle
The ship flew through the night, and far off in the distance the light of the High Castle beckoned them. Back on the ship Jo was questioning Arthur about the ghost. “So, I don’t know where to begin,” said Jo.
“What do you want to know?” he asked.
“Who was that Ghost?” asked Jo.
“I have no idea, it was real and I shot it,” he said.
“That I can’t understand, how did you do it?” she asked.
“To be honest my mind has drawn a blank,” he said.
“You’re not helping,” she replied.
“How are you finding our little trip?” asked Arthur.
“I think it’s rather fun,” said Jo.
“Oh good, where do you want to go for the honeymoon?” asked Arthur.
“I don’t know, where is nice?” she asked.
“We could go to Drongo, it’s beautiful there, we can ski and swim in the waterfall pools,” said Arthur.
“I’ve never been, surprisingly,” said Jo.
“Then it will be a nice surprise,” he replied.
The ship stopped and Arthur looked surprised, since her knew that they shouldn’t have arrived yet. He walked out on deck with Stuart, and saw that the ship was being kept back by two smaller ships. “What seems to be the problem!” shouted Arthur.
“Who are you!” a person shouted back.
“Sir Arthur Pageon, here to see Sir Thomas Calgius on urgent business from High King Olandine!” replied Arthur.
“How many of you?” they shouted back.
“Five: me, my driver, Sir Stuart, Lady Lilia and Princess Josephine Olandine,” he replied.
“Very well, proceed to the dock,” said the voice, and the two ships departed back to the castle.
“I love name dropping, it’s just fun sometimes,” said Arthur.
“It seems to help,” said Stuart.
“Anyway, let’s get ready to meet our next candidate for being a Lord,” said Arthur.
The High Castle was massive and they saw why it had such a name. The Island of Seone had disappeared when the tide came in, and the castle was all that remained. It began as a volcanic island and the huge chunk of rock in the centre was all that remained. A coastal shelf had built up around it causing it to look like an island in the day, and at night the water came in leaving the castle on top of the rock, high above the waves.
The ruler, Sir Thomas, had inherited the island, and liked the sense of security so much that he decided to live there permanently. He has terrible paranoia, luckily so does his wife and they seemed to be a perfect match. He doesn’t like visitors, so meeting the group that just arrived would be an interesting experience for him and his wife Mary.
The ship landed in the spacious courtyard high above the crashing waves. “This is impressive,” said Lilia.
“Does it remind you of home?” asked Arthur.
“It does actually, though it seems more homely,” said Lilia. The Courtyard was sheltered by high walls, and inside it was a large forested area, with trees of all kinds bearing fruit and just generally looking pretty. Then there were the flowers, which were beautiful, even at night. The whole scene looked perfect, a tiny blip of perfection in the chaos of the Infinite Sea.
There was a cobblestone path that led past a set of ornate windows that let out some yellow light, but the inside couldn’t be seen. “I’m tired, I’m going to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning,” said Arthur.
“I’ll come with you,” said Jo.
“I thought you might,” said Lilia.
“Excuse me?” said Jo.
“Nothing, you two go upstairs, and we’ll go for a walk in this dreamy forest,” said Lilia.
“Just make sure that you don’t go too far, we’re on somebody else’s island,” said Jo.
“I’m not sure I’m comfortable with this conversation,” said Lilia.
“Neither am I, go get ‘em kid,” said Jo, who ran up the stairs after Arthur. Out of a window, a man looked down onto the courtyard on the ship that was parked in his courtyard. He closed the curtain, and wouldn’t be seen until the next day.
Stuart and Lilia walked hand in hand to the edge of the castle walls and they saw the sea crashing beneath them. It was a spectacular sight but it wasn’t the sea that made them stare. It was the green luminescent creature that was soldiering through the waves towards the castle. “What the…?” said Stuart.
“It’s probably someone in a dopey costume,” said Lilia.
“Don’t you think it’s strange that every island we visit has a monster or some kind of ghost, which always turns out to be someone that we’ve met previously?” asked Stuart.
“To be honest with you I’m having the time of my life, it was a sad story before but ever since I’ve joined my brother, it has become quite fun,” said Lilia.
“In the time that I’ve been in his company, I’ve lost my wife and my two step-children,” said Stuart.
“A wife and two children that didn’t think you were good enough,” replied Lilia.
“I don’t like to think about it that way, but I guess you’re sort of right,” said Stuart.
“Of course I’m right, but if you don’t want me to, I won’t mention it again,” said Lilia.
“So what are we going to do about that Sneaky Sea Creature?” asked Stuart. “In the morning, I’m too tired to do anything now,” she said.
“OK, let’s go,” said Stuart, who escorted her back to the ship.
The sun rose over the High Castle, and the small forest awoke with a burst of songbirds that flew up to the eaves of the great hall. Arthur awoke to find Jo almost comatose on the bed. He poked her to see that she was OK, and an angry murmur confirmed it.
“OK then, you sleep and I will have a proper look round,” said Arthur. Arthur walked downstairs and met Lilia, who was the only one awake.
“Morning,” he said.
“Hello, sleep well?” asked Lilia.
“I never do, and I don’t think you do either,” he said.
“It’s true. I never dream, I wonder what it must be like,” said Lilia.
“No idea. From what Jo tells me, it’s either horribly scary, or beautifully amazing, but you never know which it will be,” he said.
“I wouldn’t mind dreaming, but how do we do it?” she asked.
“We could ask Archie,” said Arthur.
“I don’t know about that,” said Lilia.
“When are you going to trust her?” asked Arthur.
“Do you?” she asked.
“Of course, but only because she has shown me enough things to make me believe,” he said.
“I see, I’ll tell you what, if she can make me dream, then I will believe,” said Lilia. There was a puff of smoke, and a note appeared, which Lilia grabbed.
“’I will hold you to that’,” she read aloud.
“There’s your answer, I just hope th
at you will think that this is a good wish,” said Arthur.
Arthur and Lilia then went for a walk through the forest, since no one was around and it was still quite early in the morning. “Do you remember when we were taught about the six gods when we were younger?” asked Lilia.
“I almost forgot, but you took great pride in remembering their names,” said Arthur.
“There was Authos, Seashorelle, Ignatio, Evere, Altatia and Persus,” said Lilia.
“I don’t remember Persus, who was that?” asked Arthur.
“From what I can remember, Seashorelle is female, as is Altatia. Ignatio and Evere are male, which left Authos to be both, and also Persus. They could freely change their gender to fit any situation,” explained Lilia.
“It’s funny that Archie has never mentioned Persus, when they are obviously opposites of each other,” said Arthur.
“I remember that when our teacher Mr Dale taught us about them, he seemed to be disgusted at the idea of a duo-gendered deity,” said Lilia.
“Whatever happened to him?” asked Arthur.
“He was thrown out of a window by dad when I told on him,” said Lilia.
“What did he do?” asked Arthur.
“Nothing, I just didn’t like him,” said Lilia.
“Just like you I guess, and it must have burned you every time I was told on but he did nothing,” said Arthur.
“Yes, even that time in mother’s wardrobe when you…” said Lilia.
“That’s enough, can we change the subject? Did you know that our perception of the god system is completely out of whack?” asked Arthur.
“What does it matter? Anyway Stuart and I saw a Sneaky Sea Creature last night swimming through the water and underneath the castle,” said Lilia.
“To be honest I’m getting a little tired of this whole fake monster thing, I want a day off,” said Arthur.
“So we’re not going after the monster?” said Lilia.
“No, I’m just going to glaze over the whole thing; Sir Thomas can sort it out himself” said Arthur.
“We’re just here to give him the bracelet from the High King, and that’s all,” said Lilia.
“And that is all we shall do,” said Arthur.
They wandered out of the seclusion of the small forest and were met by a guard, who looked them up and down suspiciously. “Are you Sir Pageon?” he asked.